
As for the overall view of this folio, we have covered certain aspects regarding Geo- Engineering  ( Stratospheric Aerosol). This includes the country involved in  stratospheric aerosol, the mechanism of the process, methods on the stratospheric aerosol which is the air craft technique method, artillery shell method, and high altitude balloons method. Last but not least we also have stress out the impacts of using stratospheric aerosol injection.
Some of countries , which is mostly the develop countries, that have thoroughly done experiments and vast research upon this geo engineering are Russia, China, Philippines. This idea was inspired by studying the after effects of the eruption of the Mount Pinatubo volcano in Philippines in 1991. Sulfur ejected into the atmosphere spread around in several months to establish a layer which had a temporary cooling effect as it successfully blocked some of the sun’s warmth. Further research is crucial in order to comprehend the necessity of geo engineering parallel with the advance of technology available. Even though there still some flaws in implementing geo engineering as it is seen to provide with many disadvantages rather than advantage, but as the scientist are conducting timeless experiments on this, we still can hope that geo-engineering will be the solution on the global warming that occur at  this period of time.
Till date, the discovered of the mechanism of the stratospheric aerosol are quite simple. In 1960, Christian Junge discovered a layer of microscopic aerosol particles between the tropopause layers. The particles are composed of sulfuric acid and water and by the formation of chemical transformation of sulfur-containing gases, later this gas will form the stratospheric aerosol layer. In order to sustained the stratospheric aerosol, we are require to spread some amount of aerosols in the air.
Several methods to run the stratospheric aerosols include the air craft technique method, artillery shell method, and high altitude balloons method. Air craft technique method are one of the effective ways that yields to least impact on environment. The nozzles on the air craft will inject aerosols of sulfate into the stratosphere by spraying it on the clouds. The second method is the
Artillery shell method which consist of a payload-carrying projectile, which as opposed to shot, contains an explosive or other filling. For the purpose of Geo engineering, usually large size of projectile is used.  Artillery shells fired the aerosol from a barrel can be assisted by three ways. The third method in geo engineering is using the high altitude balloon. This method can be done by loft sulphates particles with the aid of high altitude balloon that would disperse sulphate particles in the upper atmosphere. Sulphate particles will act to scatter the sun’s rays back into space, preventing them from reaching earth and so cooling the earth occur.
Despite of the advance technology that can accomplish the needs of geo engineering, we also need to consider the impact on behalf of the environment. Recent study have shown that spraying aerosol can effect the global ecosystem, the hydrological cycle, changes in atmospheric circulation, and other effect related to nature. Besides that, aerosol particles are said to cause the depletion of ozone layer. It might as well shielded us from the sun rays but in return it also cause the nature shield of sun rays depleted.
Therefore as human being, we are created with the mind  to make wise judgment on what is good and what is bad for our Earth. As the caliph, we are responsible in preserving and conserving the nature of Earth so that it become a better place to life within.